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Haha....  whoops!  forgot to upload this here.  I'm so sorry about that!

Margot as she'd look in the future after the Brotastrophe.  After posting online, there was a lot of... people trying to give constructive criticism about how they thought her scars should look.  So for the patrons here's officially why her scars look the way they do.

If you've ever been bit by a brown recluse (I have) they inject a sort of slow-moving venom into the skin that breaks down the proteins and eats away at you.  And the only way to get rid of it is to be on anti-biotics for a few weeks.  Meanwhile your skin looks like something is slowly boring into you and the bite gets wider and nastier and deeper.  After doing some google research on acid burns, I decided to base Margot's burns on both a picture of an acid burn (where the skin had completely fallen away and left the lower dermis sitting on top of deep red holes and pustules in the arm) and my experience with venomous bites.  So I decided that the acid- instead of soaking into the skin and turning it all to sludge and creating a melty effect- would sit on the surface and slowly eat into her body, dissolving what it'd touched and boring deeper wherever it was more heavily concentrated.   Her resulting scars are based on  a picture of acid scars I found of this man with beautifully dark skin and a splotched scar pattern.  There IS quite a bit of texture on the scars, but because I didn't shade the picture (due to being lazy) that isn't really apparent, but if you look close there's indications of texture via the sketch/lines that doesn't come from the paper texture.

Other changes in her features include part of her eyebrow never growing back, and her hairline being farther back (it's shaved back to make it neater).  As seen in the latest page, her eye was at the least irritated with the stuff and she's probably lost a bit of her eye lashes, which can be replaced with false ones or covered with makeup.  I imagine during physical therapy after she'd temporarily lost some range of movement in her entire right arm, and while she's fully fit again, the whole thing from her shoulder to her  knuckles probably hurts right before the rain.

Students who ask her why she doesn't fix her face so she doesn't have scars get a lecture about remembering mages aren't infallible and the pursuit of knowledge is not always worth the cost to attain it, and end up having an extra assignment to visit the graves of the people who died because a mage made one mistake and unleashed a drath on the town that could have turned into thousands more drath and even more deaths if it hadn't been for a small mercenary band and Master Wu.




Here I was ready to go all hand-wavey. Biology? We have magic so your scar science is now invalid! Muahahahaha!


thanks for this image! I was really curious about how the scarring would turn out

Mary Williams

I find it interesting how she doesn't comb her hair in the other direction, as I know most people would, but instead sweeps it aside to expose the results of the injury -- almost celebrating it as a badge of honor. She's made it part of her impeccable style.

Shield Generator 7

This is the mage that got hit by acid and then saved by Thistle from the Monster Drath?

Shield Generator 7

Also, I really have to say that I appreciate things in this world having consequences for the characters in it. It makes it feel more real


Margot continues to be absolutely stellar


Omg spoilers??? They win??


I think it's silly that so many people have tried to say how the scars "should" look. I mean, I've seen acid burns and lack of texture aside its not all that different. Nice art, and good job on making the fandom care so much for a minor character in only a few pages. That takes serious writing chops.