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bwoop bwoop hey there Mrs. Dotra

Thank you for the excellent name suggestions, everyone! I ended up going with a suggestion made by Gaby Murga Damiani. I'm keeping every other one y'all made on hand because these two have a lot of kids.

Dotra's brownish color indicates that she is from the Northern Tribes, who reside in the area closer to the arid wasteland from which the Orc race emigrated. ($15 Patrons - if you look at the labelled world map, you can see where that is, on the far right side.)

Dotra is Super-Mom, and I'm writing her as a combination of Hulk Hogan and the mom from My Big Fat Greek Wedding, as seen HERE.

She lived rather wildly as a youth - I think she has a couple tattoos in some scandalous places - but she's mellowed out a heckuva lot throughout her life. She was the enforcer where Orrig was the sympathetic parent to their children - Good Cop/Bad Cop. Now that her children are fully grown and halfway out of the house, she's relaxed a lot and treats them more like adults, though she will have relapses into mom-ing sometimes, especially if Brent is around (who she fawns over in her own way). She is a big advocate for Orrig's retirement and does so loudly despite how much he avoids and is easily irritated by the issue. 

I'm still rather hazy on the subject of how she and Orrig met and got together, though I do know that is customary for Orc Women to choose their husbands based on how well they fight, which they assess by beating them up themselves. The Northern Tribes (who are much more conservative than the Southerners, who they perceive as spoiled by the rich lands in which they live) take this further with the custom of the females marrying whichever man is the first to best them in battle (I should add here that women are not obligated to accept every challenge posed to them). I think Dotra let Orrig win that fight but, for the sake of her relatives, didn't make it look easy.

time to draw them smooching




She's beautiful! All hail OrcMom!! :D


We can call her Dottie right? Or will she choke slam you for that? Also: OMG family picture with all the kids pls!


Hahahahaha! She will be furious the first time but only the first time. oh gosh but that means I have to design like five more characters maybe I'll just open up the floor




I love you so much ❤❤❤

Allison Shaw

It is my headcannon that she forces food on everyone because growing up in an arid wasteland made her appreciate food more than anything else. I AM SO HAPPY ORCMOM EXISTS.

Shield Generator 7

She reminds me of Nani from Lilo & Stitch. How does she look so young?