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Who wants to hear about the train wreck that has been Meg's week?

I mean, I wasn't the one in the hospital or anything, but dang it has been a ride.

First off - my poor coworker/best buddy's appendix went bad and she had to go to the hospital for some emergency surgery. That sucks. She was really bad for a time, but she's doing much better now, which is the important thing. 

But at work, that meant I was the only one around to handle board revisions for 2 episodes (that's a lot!). Then a very time consuming revision came down from an episode from the PREVIOUS week, which should have been finished and done by that time. 

Crazy, right? No worries - we can hire a freelancer to come in and offset the work. 

Except that the day they were supposed to come in, they sent us an email that said they didn't think they were experienced enough for the job and weren't going to come. 

Bummer! Okay, no problem, we'll send some of the revisions back to that company that do the first versions of the boards for us that we revise in house.

Okay, so they did the revisions for Episode X - ON EPISODE Y. 

Oh no!!! Oh, and also, you know that crazy revision you just finished for last week's episode? The one with six moving characters whose individual movements you have to track and keep consistent? There's another one in THIS episode. Do you mind doing that?

No problem! Actually, I'm getting pretty good at re-staging shots now.

I'm not stressed out, don't worry, but I am somewhat tired. And entertained. This all has been a pretty wild experience.

All that being said, this is, once more, the last page of my buffer. I have some stuff to do this weekend.




stop, you're ruining his art!