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Been falling behind on the wallpapers recently, but I'm almost caught up! There's a new one coming that I'm hoping to whip together for y'all today - an exclusive one that I won't even post previews of anywhere else, woo hoo!

Afterwards, though, do you guys have any ideas or requests for future wallpapers that I can add to my idea stockpile? Some of y'all mentioned a Lyra/Rapunzel/Tangled cosplay, that sounds cool! 



Awesome but don't wear yourself out again! We won't riot if you miss one or two wallpapers. Promise. Buuuuuut if you're taking requests, one of Wu in "Falkor mode" is probably going to be in high demand. Just a hunch. Edit: if you do the Tangled one, you should do an "aftermath" shot where she's tearing apart the dress is a rage while Thistle rushes to shield her modesty...


ALSO: Yay funding is back over 1K again! I got worried when it had dropped.


How about an action-y type illustration of creatures from the world/universe? i.e. a leviathan attacking a ship, or the gang dealing with a monster problem (like garden gnomes... the root of all evil...) -Yoko


I'm totally rooting for the Tangled crossover/cosplay idea.


I'm sure I'd have more ideas, but I can't get the thought of an "80's freeze frame team jump" out of my head at the moment.