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Are you guys okay with me taking a 1 week break? I've been feeling tired and stressed out and I'm falling behind on my buffer with everything going on.




Ouch! Glad you're ok. Please do take a break. We'll keep.


Please take a break. I've had to evacuate due to a fire before- that's super stressful. Hope you guys can stay safe.


Take care of your self.

Mary Williams

I am 100% behind you taking a break, 1000% behind being warned in advance so I don't sit here going refresh/refresh/refresh fifteen times a day trying to find out what the next step in the adventure is, and 1000000000000000% behind you STAYING SAFE and doing what you need to do to retain sanity and health! When in doubt, grab the hubby, the kids/pets, the drives, and GET OUT OF THERE!


Yeah, take a week off if you need to.


I fully concur with the above comments. It's okay to take a minute to get your feet back under you. We'll be here when you get back!