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Gonna be honest: when I finished the pencils for this page I was hit with a big wall of Sad. This situation sucks. 




Fantastic page


Wonderful page, but yeah. The situation makes it kinda bittersweet. I hope you can figure out a better compromise with... the company that shall not be named. Otherwise we'll still be here when your contract is up.


Honestly, fantastic page to go on a hiatus for. Safe (but also exciting!) travels to you and godspeed in you new job!


I am literally so frickin devastated by the news, we were just getting more lore on Thistle and then The Company happened, Im still gonna be here on Patreon tho, cause even if the site wont host the pages I can still see them on here. I hope everything goes well in your new job, good luck Meg!

Jim Sharkey

My intent is to keep supporting the comic through Patreon, but man, a year is a long wait. I do hope you'll finish your story when the year is up! Good luck with the show, and keep noodling on DotL in the background, I guess. We'll see you in a year.


I am so sorry about all this :( this really does suck


He's not just an Orcdad, he's a papa bear! (If that is Orrig.)


I'm sad to wait but happy about the career boost you're getting.

Royce Day

Unexpected Bear Defense!


Thanks for the heads up. It must be difficult for you, I’m sorry you have to go through this. I’m happy at the same time that you have this wonderful opportunity and I hope that, in the end, things turn out for the best. I don’t know if that’s feasible for you, but I’m thinking that with some luck, you’ll be able to build up a solid buffer and maintain a solid pace when you return. And if not, hey, for once in the last... god knows how long, you’ll only have your day job. That won’t be too bad either. Regardless, I’m happy you shared this story (of DotL) with the world so far and I’m pretty happy I found DotL some time ago.


So glad to see Thistle getting a little help here! And I'm happy to support a fantastic artist and comic even if I don't get to see the results for a while.


Take care and have fun. We'll be here and routing for you over the year. I like to think this as a generous "trade": An artist I like very much influencing a major studio, said artist building their career and getting the bills paid, and having a nice buffer of comics when it's back that should reduce stress. In exchange I have to re-read the archives and speculate wildly for while. I'm not gonna complain about that. Best of luck.

Steven Coffman

Hey, I'm glad to support you and super sorry that your contract constrains you (even though I'm glad your salary supports you!). Is Jessica "Yoko" Weaver going to be ok during this time?


We're all here for you.


Yup! Yoko will still be paid her regular rate as usual during this time. I'm doing my best to make sure this situation has no effect on her whatsoever.