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I asked my husband if he wanted to design a mage who will be fighting Brody, and here's the sketch he did! Dangit he's so talented why

He just came up and peered over my shoulder and got very upset - he wants to make sure all of you know that he's NOT happy with it. But I am. He's cool and talented and stuff.

"Reinforce the fact that Milo thinks it's really terrible."

okay fine milo we get it already

"Let everyone know that I don't think they get it quite enough."

"It's just really really really bad."


Finally. Anyway, when Milo first showed me this drawing he said he based this guy off of the Ukranian Cossacks. He's really big into Russian/Slavic culture, so I guess I shouldn't've been surprised. 

Dangit he's such a good draftsman. augh


Okay, Milo here. Meg made the mistake of asking me to hit the post button for her while she's doing her nails, so I'mma MAKIN' EDITS! I just wanted to reinforce once more, for all assembled, that I hate this drawing. Okay, off you go. Enjoy.




Tell Milo to stop selling himself short. It just needs a little luv


Do artist ever think there art is good?

Mary Williams

He looks WICKED!!!! And, amazing on the page!


Consider this is a sketch, it's amAZING. Like having coherent, quick sketches is a valuable skill that takes a looooong time to get. Bottom line: sweet character design, supa cool, looks like a bamf, like wow man.


Meh, I think it looks fine for a concept, Milo. No need to get your panties in a bunch. :P


Showing my Russian-culture-loving sister this for sure - really cool design!