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Oh, so that's what that is.




3rd panel needs a "you"?


Ahhh, this may or may not explain a few things ;) Plus: OVER STATEMENT OF THE YEAR BY TEACHER


..... Uhhhhhh... Maybe it's just my cold or something, but it feels to be a lot of design inconsistencies in this particular page. Namely Orrig looking a bit... squished down?

Mary Williams

Happy Memorial Day, and this is one of THE best things to see walking in from a long day of tree trimming. OMG, so tired, but SO HAPPY to see more Thistle and Co!


"It'll latch onto you and feed off your insecurities for life".... Just like Thistle's head voice from chapter three *gaaaasp*


No it's not you. Look at how freaking long his arms are. What the heck, Meg? - Meg


Nah, because the object hasn't changed. "It'll latch onto [your insecurities] and feed off of your insecurities for life." I can see why that would be weird, though, but it's how Thistle speaks - she learned the art of language entirely from books, so she speaks very formally and correctly all the time. Honestly, though, it's not something I'm too hung up on - if it's really bothersome I'll end up changing it. Man, good eye!


You know, nothing big, just a giant Toad thing