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Thanks to Patreon's new Pay Upfront feature, I can finally save myself the trouble of individually messaging people the link to the sketch comics and just have a permanent post for them!

IF YOU ARE A $10 PATRON WHO EDITED THEIR PLEDGE IN THE PAST MONTH AND ARE STILL WAITING FOR YOUR SKETCH COMICS, PLEASE LET ME KNOW ASAP SO I CAN FINALLY GIVE YOU YOUR DUE REWARDS. I simply just don't have the time to go through and individually message them to you, but I need to make sure you're appreciated for your support. Thank you!!



I haven't got it yet, I started pledging 10$ in.. the end of March I guess. Edit: But oh there's a link just down there! Silly me.


I'm sorry! My life has been so stupid busy - juggling a full time job with this one is difficult and I LOVE IT but unfortunately some things just fall by the wayside. XP