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Meg here!

Here's something exciting!

I just made an official Daughter of the Lilies email account! You can now contact the creative team (Nytrinhia and myself) via DAUGHTERoftheLILIES@gmail.com!

Additionally, the Patreon page has been updated to reflect our status as a creative team on the comic, rather just me, myself, and I as its sole owner. This means that Nytrinhia now has the ability to create her own posts, answer your questions/comments, and basically join all the fun here on Patreon! Woo Hoo!

I don't know if she's received her credentials yet, but please say hi and make her feel welcome! 



I for one welcome our colorful new overlord!

Mary Williams

GREETINGS!!!!!!!!! Welcome into the den of madness!


I am fully prepared to wake up in full-technicolor OZ to dance with the Munchkins! :D


Welcome Nytrinhia! Let's hear it for our DOTL co-queens!


Wa-BAM! Yoko here with creds squared away. Very excited to get to know y'all and bring some new content to the table for your patronly enjoyment :3


Welcome Yoko! So glad you can be here!! :D