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Secret Site: https://drmjwatson.tumblr.com/

Password: johnnyboy


EDIT: When will I learn to stop doubting myself and these comics have been added to the Secret Site. There is also a new bonus panel at the end of the Good Morning episode that I thought of just now. Thank you for liking my comics.


That's a lot of work just to explain a couple throwaway lines, but again, this has been rattling around in my head for so long that it's a relief to get them out of me.

I'm uploading these directly to Patreon this time and not the Secret site, because.... man, I dunno. I don't know how I feel about these comics. They seemed real good in my head but not quite the same "out loud." And I like the button the last comics ended on so much, that dragging out this bit even longer feels like the "point" I was going for gets buried. I don't think they'll make it into the third volume, whenever that happens - which just means you guys get these special little treats. I'm going to miss that little Boys Will Be Boys moment between Pete and Ned - I'll just have to find a different place to work something like that in. Ned isn't getting enough screen time.

My friends and I used to play Bachelor League when that was the fun, hot thing for us 20-somethings to do, before it got really gross trashy instead of fun trashy. And turning it into a competition is the only conceivable way I'd see fellas like Pete and Ned getting together with MJ to watch the show regularly. 

It seems like lately I've just been struck with the fancy to get all the ideas that have been floating around in my head for a long time out onto paper, so I have one more comic I pumped out today around my dayjob that I'll be sharing sometime soon that actually came out pretty good and that I like a lot. So... more coming, I guess. Sorry for spamming y'all so much lately, but when it rains, it pours.



peter allen

The comics are fine, they made me giggle! Good! we get to see MJ's reaction to Peter's fast recovery rate! Doesn't matter if you heal fast kiddo, if you're not letting it heal correctly there's the chance it will heal 'incorrectly'


Dude, what are you talking about? This was wholesome, silly, hilarious, and perfectly awesome!!!! I was smiling the entire time, and when Ned showed up to verify "the tear" I outright chuckled! So no need to second guess yourself. I understand if you personally feel if it fell flat, but really, thank you very much for putting this on digital paper. The world is much better off for it existing even in this small space! You rock! and your fan-fic rocks! KEEP ON ROCKIN'!!!!


Always love the Spidey and Dr MJ stuff. These were fun!

mike stone

Performance theory major on a subject we actually study: nutrition has junk food, and performance has junk entertainment. It’s totally legit for a person with highly educated taste to say “this is rubbish by every objective standard, but I like it.” It’s the flip side of “this is technically excellent, but it doesn’t appeal to me.” Enjoyment of a work has an embarrassingly long history of resisting any attempt to fence it in with rules.

Lia Graf

Oh nono, it's great! Please share!


It's nice to see Spidey and MJ in downtime and its humanizing effects. Also loving how MJ is the constant straight man in this world of super shenanigans. Someone's gotta have that reaction!


Are you kidding? This is HILARIOUS!


This is my favorite interaction so far.


Spam away. I’m a major fan of your stories and art, so this just makes me feel all warm and happy. It’s what makes being a patron so much fun!


Btw, I am truly, deeply impressed by how much emotional information and character personality you manage to convey with even your stick figures. A stick figure is usually just that. But somehow yours are dynamic. I took 1 drawing class, once upon forever ago, my kids were still very small, but it was fascinating. When I retire, I’d like to take more. I’m very impressed with both your storytelling and your trained skills. Just saying.


Meg I think we all agree that we are 100% onboard with your self indulgence, as it has become ours as well. I know I get incredibly excited about these, and love the small details you put in that I feel is building their relationship. After all, falling in love includes all the mundane moments :)


These pages are great! I adore the banter you write


This has been a really stressful work week for me, so this is the perfect sort of self-indulgent fluff that seems like a reward going into the weekend.


Just had to go reread all of these because this is my favorite treatment of this relationship. So fun!

mike stone

Oh sweet little fluffy bunny rabbits.. MJ meeting Deadpool. The mind reels.


Absolutely love these! Thanks for sharing! :D


I've been loving reading this so much!! and ohh man i'd love to see her meeting Wade

Ivo Robotnik

Please continue making these, especially if you enjoy it. These are really awesome.


Honestly, I would kill a man for your version of MJ, so please, by all means, keep sharing them


Where did the decision to make MJ a doctor come from? Or Taskmaster’s daughter? It’s great stuff I’m just curious if anything inspired it


So, the whole comic was inspired by a dream I had - most of Part 1 and some bits of Part 2 are snapshots from that dream (Origin, and What Are We Doing being examples). It wasn't MJ in the dream, just a random "Scientist" character, but after waking up and dwelling on it, the thought passed my mind and I liked the idea so much, that everything started snowballing after that. And since my parents worked in medicine, I really resonated with MJ's passions for the arts and theater being "unsafe" career choices. I dunno, there was just a lot there to work with. Um, and Taskmaster originally started as a quick placeholder until I could do more research and find someone better to fill the role, but that never happened, because as I learned more about that character, there was just too much stuff I liked about him. I had recently finished Spider-Man for the PS4 and I really liked him in that game. I wish I could say everything had been carefully planned from the beginning, but there were a lot of happy accidents with this project.


These are honestly some of my favorite spiderman comics lately. They're just so good!


I've been thinking about this comment a lot since you wrote it.


Thank you for making these sketches and comics. They're silly and sad and sweet and.....I really need that in my life right now bc of what's going on irl. So again thank you so much. <3