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HOKAY, thanks for your patience while we dealt with some stuff on our back end. Let's get back to it! Sorry about the bugs.



Royce Day

Okay, now would be a great time to start screaming...


Upon closer inspection, that voice bubble is definitely not Orrig


Creepy flower songs in the middle of a spontaneous mushroom forest? No thank you


Ok so upon closer inspection, the words in the background appear to be a nursery rhyme called "Cut Thistles In May". The full rhyme is "Cut thistles in May, They'll grow in a day; Cut them in June, That is too soon; Cut them in July, Then they will die." Given the context of the scenario, I VERY MUCH HOPE it isn't currently July


So Meg, when you apologize for the "bugs", are you apologizing for The Attack of the Ticks or The Revenge of the Glitch? I can forgive you for the Glitch (not your fault), the Ticks - on the other hand - are entirely your fault! - I'm still recovering from my tick-induced panic and yet they have barely begun! ;-)


after the coloring the ticks, they look more creepier.


... oh dear. Yes, please let it be a good month/time for Thistle!


Well, that can't be good. Also, I think BLOOP is the funniest sound effect I've experienced so far for rapid mushroom growth.

Anne Welborn

Thistle in a very strange wonderland. The odd nature of the lighting emphasises that this isn't quite the real world anymore.

Lia Graf

I love it! And that nursery rhyme is all the creepier once all the elements of her current name, what's going on, etc are added together. Great job as usual you two! /gets more snacks....and bug spray :D


OH GOSH this feels nightmarish @__@;;


When a mushroom suddenly appears


Oh man, I love DotL more and more with each page