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If you don't feel like scrolling all the way down to find the other post where you can submit your questions, you can just write them here and I'll still see them.

ALSO!!! Chapter 5's current working title is "The Knowing Ones." 

It was originally going to be the title of chapter 4, before I had to split it up into 2 parts.



Question: Do the cast have any hobbies aside from kicking butt?


Question for everyone: What's your favorite tale/ballad from when you were a kid?

Allison Shaw

Question: Will we ever get to see those doodles of Lyra helping Thistle with her makeup? I HAVE TO see her all dolled up.


If any of the main characters could ask a question of any of the other main characters with no consequences, what would it be and who would it be directed to? Excepting, of course, the obvious question about what is under Thistle's hood. I am curious to see what they are most curious about.


A question for all of the main cast: Do any of your know how to cook? And do any of you like to cook?


Does anyone in the group like puns? OH OH I got one... The past, the present, and the future walk into a bar. It was tense. -------- Who in the group wants to punch me in the face now?


Who in the group has the biggest sweet tooth?


What is Thistle's favourite tea?!


What's the most embarrassing thing everyone in the group has done?


Would you please post a photo of you and your workbag before going to work? We've mostly only seen your face covered or facing away from the camera on posing sample photos.


Dude.. I'm sorry but... that request is a bit creepy. Plus Meg has a right to her privacy, and that includes revealing photos of herself.

Michael Brewer

What were your parents like? (I'm assuming only Orrig will answer, but...)


Sappy question for the guys: Who was your first love? (Puppy or otherwise).


Ooo, we had a portrait of Brent and his cousins. What would a family portrait for each of the cast look like?