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Hope y'all are having a fun day with your sweetie - especially if that sweetie is yourself. <3 As usual, let me know if you're missing a size that you need and I'll make one for you.

Sorry I haven't been so active as of late, especially with all these cool things happening - like hitting that $1k milestone! I've just been so overwhelmed.

By the way, that milestone means that we'll be doing public doodle hangouts once every month, where I draw your (Patron) requests. We'll start those in March! (Maybe on my birthday...? I dunno. It depends on y'alls availability.)

Anyway, have a great day! Wait until tomorrow to buy yourself some chocolate, though. It's a lot cheaper then!




Thistle is very much "AIEEE! Surprise hugs! I don't know what to do with hugs! Or Surprises! Or surprise hugs!"


Is Brent really that muscled? Or is Thistle that scrawny?

Mary Williams

OMGGGGG So adorbs!!! (Herman Cillo summed this up the best! LOL!) Poor Thistle, she shall learn! Hopefully!




Aw man.... I would kill to be in Thistle's place right now. I want big, muscly armed hugs, too! Happy Valentines, Meg.


Beefcake cuddles! You enjoy those warm sweaty hugs, Thistle XD


Squeeee! &lt;3


Thistle looks too nervous, love it


Every time you draw one of these, I get all gooey. But I have noticed, Thistle always looks the same level of uncomfortable. It's very cute. I do hope to one day see one where she's not, however. I think I might die of the feels... :)

Shield Generator 7

It doesn't really look like Thistle wants to be hugged... so this looks rather awkward to me. I'm guessing that eventually Thistle will like hugs or Brent will realize Thistle doesn't like to be hugged.


True, it's hard to tell. Outside of those who purchased the sketch comics, we the readers have only these snapshot teasers where all of we only know "Brent has fallen for his coworker." While we're all assuming the not-so-veiled outcome of this "will they/won't they", we haven't come across how Thistle feels about Brent in the story. Her romance radar is essentially off. It's right to feel awkward, since consent is a BIG DEAL. No answer is still a "NO." However, it's that moment of catharsis we are waiting for. That moment after the above picture when she realizes nothing bad is going to happen - when she does give an answer. Plus, there's only so long Brent can snorgle an unwilling cat before it scratches him... or Orcdad has to intervene 'cuz he doesn't want to fill out sexual harassment paperwork.


Squeek.... I want to do that Thistle as well