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It's about that time again! Chapter 4 is really close to being done, and now it's time for me to start thinking about the next chapter and to answer whatever questions you guys have for the characters!

 As Patrons, you guys have exclusive access to submit questions that could potentially be answered, and this is the official post for them. You can submit as many as you like; there's no limit!

Keep in mind that I CANNOT answer spoiler related ones, or even all of them, so please don't take it personally if I'm unable to do so! 

Here we go! Have fun! 



Lyra is really beauitful and strong I love it!! would she care to show us those gorgeous biceps? how many men have those biceps humiliated?


How long have Brent, Lyra and Orrig known each other? Or what did they think of each other when they had their first missions? :D


We just got a big snow storm here, what kind of snowman would the gang make? Would they have a contest of who can make the best? Would Lyra ruin Brents to win?


Do any of them play an instrument?


If they were not doing what they are doing, what would each of them have gotten into for work? i.e. George Clooney and being a cobbler.

Shield Generator 7

Can Drath creatures (such as Brady and Bernard) consume one another (i.e. could Brady consume Bernard)?


Hmm. I was going to ask: To each of the main cast; What is your favorite musical instrument?


Does anyone in the group like puns? OH OH I got one... The past, the present, and the future walk into a bar. It was tense. -------- Who in the group wants to punch me in the face now?


Who has the biggest sweet tooth?


What is the casts' favorite season? (If dotl uinverse has all 4 seasons).


What is Thistle's favourite flower?

Michael Brewer

So, how do you guys feel about Drath now?


What kind of things happen when an orc (or quarter-orc) rages? We saw Brent's eyes turn black and canines get more pronounced, is there anything else?


Drinks are on the house! What does each character do with this information?


I need flirting tips! How do you guys talk to someone you like?


What do you guys do in your free time?


How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?


Would Thistle ever wear earrings or necklaces under her robes just for her own satisfaction? Of course no one else would see it, but she would know that they


Question for Ms Thistle. Is the ability to use magic something a person is born with, or can anyone learn to use it if they study hard enough?


Lyra, what would you do differently if you were the boss of your little group?


YES! Inquiring minds *cough*Brent*cough* want to know. Ooooo, there's an additional question. Does Brent realize the importance of this question or is that not even on his radar?


What was Orrig like as a kid? Was he a gangling youth or did everyone know from an early age that his broad shoulders were destined to fill the world?