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It's been a pretty awful weekend. 

My tablet stopped working today. I have a Yiynova MSP 19U Tablet Display, and while working on Tuesday's update, the visual part of it just shut off and is now unresponsive. 

I've troubleshooted it to the best of my ability, but it looks like I might be crippled on my end. I don't know yet if I'm dead in the water or not, but things basically look kind of bleak for me right now. 

I'll keep you guys updated.



Good luck. :( it sounds like it has been awful. If there is anything we can do, let us know! In the meantime, here's to hoping things start getting better for you as soon as possible. My thoughts are with you.


:( this will all be just a footnote one day. Tell life to stfu (keep it censored it not. Up to you) and continue your art regardless. Show it that hardships will not get you down!


Oh no! I'm sorry to hear that you're having so much trouble. A broken tablet is pretty much a digital artist's worst nightmare. I'll try to help in any way I can, though!


Is there anything we can does to help?


Would a small extra donation help? It's not like I can afford to buy you a new tablet, but if we all chip in $5 it should go a long way. Tell me you haven't lost any artwork, on top of losing your archive last week.

Tom Ploeger

Upped pledge (see Sturzkampf). Hope it helps. P. Warren is right.

Shield Generator 7

Is there a way to hard reset it? In Windows PCs, holding the power button for about 10 seconds usually shuts it down and forces it to reboot

Shield Generator 7

I did a little searching around just now, but I didn't see anything useful, except for maybe this thread: <a href="http://forum.deviantart.com/technology/hardware/1822105/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://forum.deviantart.com/technology/hardware/1822105/</a>


Aww no that's horrible. I'm sorry that's happening to you. :( Reinstall the tablet driver maybe? Is the wire loose? I'm willing to up my pledge if you need a new tablet. Just keep us updated


I DO NOT DESERVE YOU, PERFECT PERSON Augh, geez, thank heavens - the tablet's working again. Thank you so freaking much for upping your pledge like that - but I want to make sure you know that everything's fine so that you can change it again if you want. I really appreciate it. Thank you.


Since I literally just got off an email thread with a tech support person I can confirm that it was indeed a power cord issue. All hail Shield Generator and his superior research skills!


ugh geez you guys are making me emotional in the best and most embarrassing way Thank you so freaking much for upping your pledge like that - but I want to make sure you know that everything's fine so that you can change it again if you want. I really appreciate it. Thank you Thank you Thank you.


Luckily, everything has been resolved and the tablet is working again (hhhuuuurrrgggggggg) Everything on my hard drive is backed up on a bi-weekly basis, so even if the thing explodes (God forbid), it shouldn't be too huge of a tragedy (unless something happens to my external hard drive). Thank you so much for being so supportive. It really means a lot, man. I can't properly express it.


You can write really sweet and supportive comments offering or asking how you can help. &lt;3


ugh geez man it felt like I was going to have an arm amputated or something eesh Miraculously, tech support whiz was able to troubleshoot it and help me get it working again. Power cord issue. But we're back up and running, baby. Thank you so, so much for your support. I really can't express how much it meant to me.




Things are thankfully back up and running on my end - Panda City tech support is a heaven sent group of people. Thank you for being so dang supportive - it really means a lot and helped me keep it together. I really, really appreciate it.