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Remember when I posted that sneak peek of panel 2? That's how long I've had this page ready. It's been agony to wait. 

So, I don't know if anyone will notice, but this is the first page that we've seen in awhile that was done digitally. Several pages leading up to this one have been traditional, so this will be a great opportunity to compare the two processes. What do you think?



Mary Williams

I think Thistle is badass and we're about to see some Drath butt-whoopin'!! Looking back at the last page and this one, I like both. You'd have to really look to be able to see any difference at all, and I wouldn't be surprised in the least if you switched back and forth from time to time -- there's such a continuity of style here that you could easily change tactics without interfering with the storytelling or causing your readers to skip a beat in the middle of a scene because you did one page digital and the other traditional. (It was awesome to go back to the last Lyra-page before this one, too. Whee!!)


I think to the untrained eye, there will be no difference. I certainly can't tell without help. I think the only time there would be a noticeable difference is if there were two artists doing the drawing.


Thistle magic attack!

Shield Generator 7

It's really hard to tell the difference for me, so I say use which ever one works best/ fits the situation best/ keeps you most sane