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One last look back before we start the next scene and get into "Magic 101."

So my arm has been hurting again over the last day or so, which means I am extremely anxious and paranoid about it and looking into things I need to start doing differently before it flairs up into a more serious problem.

As such, it means there will be no new page on Thursday while I do those things, but $5 Patrons should still expect a new page some time this week. It'll just be Tuesday's page, not Thursday's. 

Thanks for being understanding!




Oooo, looks like a storm's a-brewin'!


The yellow leaf on her head...are they about to run for the storm well?


I guess it’s just leftovers from her nap in the flowers..

Anne Welborn

Take care of yourself and if you need to take things more slowly that's fine. I had an occupational overuse injury some years ago now and they are the pits. All healed now and I've had no further trouble, but the most important thing is for you take care of yourself. I love your webcomic, the artwork is stunningly beautiful, but it's not worth crippling yourself over.


May as well get far away from there then


Oh, Thistle, we see the gears... please be careful...?