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Ugh, I'm not gonna lie, it just feels really good to see these pages finished. The entirety of Chapter 8 perfectly fell across my time working on Animaniacs (Ch8 started right when I started there, and ended just a little before it ended), which was the most grueling and exhausting project I've ever worked on, and shaking off the last dredges of that time will feel refreshing and freeing, like it's finally behind me. 




Such pretty colors!


He's very laid-back about it. Guess Orcs really are thick-skinned! ;p The problem with propaganda being, of course, that some people DO believe it. I wonder if that will be touched upon later in the story...


I should probably write out that last line of Orrig's and put it on a note next to my computer. He's a wise man.

Anne Welborn

Love it. What a great page.