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Brent may have trouble reading books, but he has no problem reading Thistle.




There's GOT to be a way to yank that damnable thing out of her.


Unfortunately, I don't think so. Anxious, self-deprecating thoughts are incredibly difficult to get rid of, and never really leave. The best most folks can do is to train themselves to quickly counter the thought with more positive thoughts. Since this comic seems to have a lot of parallels to real world mental health, I suspect that Thistle's drath is just as deeply entrenched as the negative thoughts of someone who has anxiety or C-PSTD. 😥


The whole thing is pretty, but, wow, that mountain is really pretty.


Thistle still has doubt, even though she knows what she is talking about


Petition to nominate Brent as representative to PROTECT THE THISTLE!! AT ALL COSTS!