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Download the PDF via the attachment link at the bottom of the post.


UPDATED to make this download available to all Patrons, along with adding a very personal note:

Thank you all so very much. When I first started posting these comics here a year ago, it was with a LOT of anxiety and self-judgement, and the level of your acceptance and kindness completely shocked me. It was a very healing experience. I really don't think I'll every be able to fully express how much that means to me. 

Some of you joined specifically because of these comics, which BLOWS MY DANG MIND. That evil voice in my head did not account for that at all. Y'all shut it right up. Thank you.

Gumroad's services limit the size of files you can upload for downloading, but for you guys I'm attaching the uncompressed, higher-quality version of the PDF for you to have and enjoy. Thank you.

This is my last week before the start of my new job at Nickelodeon, so I won't have nearly as much time to be able to stream or do as much comic work as I have been doing these last couple of months. I'm really going to miss it, but I'm excited to be a part of this new project, and love the feeling of being part of a crew and something bigger than just me. Something that this time has taught me is that I am ABSOLUTELY made for the routine of just making comics full time. You guys are partially making that possible, and I'll keep working towards that dream of one day making that happen.

For now, I'm going to try and let my arm rest, and start focusing more fully on DotL again. I am definitely  not done with these Spider-Man comics - we haven't even met Aunt May, or her boyfriend who Peter hates, or Johnny, or how easily MJ and Pete settle into being friends and navigate around her dad. I'm happy with letting them be fun things to work on in my downtime or just for fun, but I don't know if I can promise you a reliable schedule for those, because Inspiration and Motivation are fickle, cheeky things.

I'll see you all at 2pm for today's stream! Hope you can make it!



I just finished the PDF! Oh wow I feel like a huge weight has lifted off of me. What am I going to do with myself now?

I'm hesitant to start posting this around everywhere because I'm SURE I've missed a typo somewhere, or there's something that still needs tweaking or fixing. I'm going to give it the 24 hour test and look at it again tomorrow morning to make sure everything looks like it's where it's supposed to be. 

Let me know if you see anything out of place, though. 





This is hilarious. I legit LOL at these two. You absolutely NAILED it. Marvel needs to pay you the moneys. WHY IS MARVEL NOT PAYING YOU THE MONEYS


“Grandpa” lol


I didn’t see any typos, but the little “what if” blurb would probably be better at the start instead of being the very last page of the pdf


not to be nitpicky, but you forgot the sketch under the picture of "Grandpa", unless that was intentional


I loved this so much. Her flirting with him was hilarious 🤣

mike stone

And if it wasn't already good enough, you threw in a cameo by Stan Lee.. utterly brilliant!

Jim Sharkey

Ahh, so good! As Stan the Man would say, "Excelsior!"


I'm not too worried about it, but I am so shocked and impressed that you noticed!!


Minor typo at the end of Episode 1 - second last panel on the last page of Episode 1. "alleric" should be "allergic".


Love ittt


Also, page 76, "rougish" should be "roguish". Sorry, I can't help noticing typos...it's a condition :)


I love this.


And last page, "alcholic" should be "alcoholic".


Also, I really, really love this comic. :)


OOOHHHH SHOOT, all this time and it was just sitting there, I'm such a fool!!! That will be fixed for the physical copies.

Christian Hoepfner

This. Is. P E R F E C T !!! I wants to see moar of the "dumb stuff that makes you happy" !!


That alone was worth my Patreon subscription here to date. I love the way Spider-man moves in these.


Aaaaaaa Meg this is so good!! It’s been great being on this spider man fanfic journey with you haha

D. Alfonso

SO GOOD, thank you for letting us finish it in one go. Can't wait to see what's next, and perfectly content to wait at the same time. ;)




I was trying to buy this from Gumroad for some actual money, but it wasn't accepting it. It worked to get it for free though, so I decided to become a patron for a while to make up for it. I'm not sure that it wasn't just my credit card or browser or something, but you may want to take a look and make sure it's still working.