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Hey, so, remember how I said that the first draft ends up being heavily edited a bunch? 

I may have jumped the gun on that one. It seems that in spite of all these Spider-Man comics, I still have not learned my lesson that Fun and Self Indulgent can be Good, and I was doubting myself.

The script was ultimately split into two chapters. As of this writing, Chapter 9 is officially 24 pages (a short one!) and Chapter 10 is 32 pages. 

Now, it's time to start shopping it around for feedback. I'm talking with someone right now, developing the finer details of the magic system, which is a fun additional layer that's been folded into the process. 

However, it's now 2am currently, and I have been slaving over this for the past 2 days straight. I am burned out and will be doing something else for a couple days. Stand by for another update sometime near the end of next week.




please get some sleep Meg!

peter allen

Well done meg!


Burning the midnight oil, take care of yourself!

Jack Newbill

eHigh-fives, Meg! You are awesome!


Every day a certain self-indulgent Patreon wallpaper shows up on my desktop. Is this chapter finally the chapter? WILL THEY FINALLY ALMOST KISS??


You are amazing.