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And here we go! Ah man, with all the rushing around and the livestream yesterday, I COMPLETELY forgot about this whole part of the routine! How could I? Man, it's one of the most important parts! 

Hi, everyone! Did you miss me? By which I mean I was never really gone, just the me posting comic pages for you to read.

New Patrons - you can download the page at its original, huge, detail loaded size by clicking on the download link below the image! Thank you for your support!




Wow. O_O This page came out looking amazing! Especially the first and third panels!


brought to you by Arabian architecture which may, or may not, be inspired by certain religiously historical mosques. never-mind, this page is MIND-BLOWING! (and wall breaking. bu-dum-tss!)

Shield Generator 7

wow. all that time spent on this page... it was totally worth it. It looks absolutely breathtaking.... such detail!

Shield Generator 7

ooh... what's that guy doing in the background in panel 2? So kind of glowy magic thing