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YO, guys. Y'all have been AMAZING this past month, patiently supporting me even though I've been stuck in the black whole that is semi-writer's block and indecision. So I am now back to making comic pages since all the hard work is done, I'm more than ready for another Patreon/Patron Livestream for y'all!

I'd like to do it next week sometime - ideally, I'd like to do it all day Monday before the start of Chapter 4, and post the cover to the chapter on the website around the same time, but I know that might be a little short notice for you. 

So here's my question: would Monday work for you, or is there a different day you would prefer?

Additionally, if you have any art requests, please leave them in your comment! You can ask for anything you like: your OCs, DotL related items, or more creatures (but remember: I don't draw adult content). I'll probably also take the time to start on October's Wallpaper!

I'll be sending out rewards to confirmed $10 Patrons today who haven't received the Sketch comics yet (thank you, so much, again, for being so patient). They'll be sent to you via a private message, so keep an eye out!



Mondays are fine for me, (then again, any day, really) I'de love to make a sketch request, but I sent you an email the other day with something way more interesting. do please check it out.


I got a sketch request. Although, the more I think about it, the more I would rather it be a wallpaper. IF my idea makes it to the sketching, perhaps just do one character. But, ... yes. definitely. I'm officially making this a wallpaper request for later on. A group photo of the gang, and possibly some others, if need be. But the twist.. I like twists. It's not in your universe. Pick something that is a totally different genre. Steampunk, Cyberpunk (I like Tron stuff), Sci-fi / Space like Star Wars or Mass Effect, Or bizarre like upper class Old Victorian era ( those weird wigs and over done makeup ). I've seen a crossover Mass effect characters as if they were in Dragon age... and vice versa. So yeah.. the sketch part would be to take just one of the characters and do it in a different genre.


BWAAAAA I JUST SAW IT Is it okay if I just do it in the stream? I bet that would be a fun thing to start with!

Shield Generator 7

As long as it's in the afternoon sometime, like past 5 Ohio time, which I think is something like 3 California time


Does "all day" mean 8 hours? Like a shift? Or 12 like 8-8?


Monday works for me as long as it doesn't start too early in the morning (CST). I gots work in the mornin' :) SKETCH REQUEST: Thistle and Brent having a tender moment. X3


Art request: SHARKS. Because teeth.
