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Download the Hi-Resolution Copy of this page via the download link at the bottom of this post. 


If it makes any of you other Bristle shippers feel any better, drawing Brent and Thistle in the same panel having any kind of significant moment, like this one, makes me scream and cry because I just need them to kiss already.

This is the penultimate page of the chapter! The next page will be the last one!
Gosh, I'm ready! This has been fun and a really, really long joke, and I am more than ready to get back into plot stuff (the next chapter is going to be all about Gwen!). 

Let me give you a short rundown of my plan following the conclusion of this chapter:

  • I still have to do a LOT of research and thinking about the specifics of Gwendolyn's evil scheme to make sure the rest of the story feels well-thought out and put together. (I've at least figured out her core motivation, so that'll make everything a lot easier!) So I'll be taking about a month off and just doing research and outlining. You might not hear from me much during that time. 
  • After the end of that ~month, I'll be updating the website with those Spider-Man comics I did not too long ago! I'm also going to try and finish up a bunch of other ideas surrounding that concept that Animaniacs didn't afford me a lot of time or energy to see through. I'll be posting a bit here to Patreon during that time so you know what I'm up to. 
  • After that, we'll be getting back into the story proper and business as usual. 

Hurrah! It feels good to have a plan!




Is that a self reference?


And now, let us invoke our cult's ritual chant: MARRIAGE MARRIAGE MARRIAGE! BABIES BABIES BABIES!


The cutest!!! I am also waiting for them to kiss!!


"What a cute page!" (Sees that the next chapter is all about Gwen) "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!"


Is it wrong that I’ve already got an idea for their exchange of vows? It’s wrong, isn’t it?