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Happy Holidays, everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and very happy new year! Whether you're getting back into your routine or mentally preparing yourself for the end of your break, I hope it was restful and pleasant. 


It's been no secret that Animaniacs has been a busy, albeit wonderful, experience to work on, and I could not be more proud that my name is attached to it - but it also demanded a lot of time and effort which directly affected production of DotL. I worked for almost 2 years bringing Animaniacs to life, from its initial transition from written scripts to visual storyboards, and having touched almost every single episode, it felt like a good time to transition to something else.

Today, I'm starting a new position at Dreamworks-Universal on a new Curious George project! I'm very excited and pleased to be working on something new - I have a lot of hopes for it, not the least of which is to reclaim my energy and passion for the comic you all read, as well as get back into the swing of providing all of you with behind-the-scenes sneak peeks of new pages, world development, and next steps.

2020 is the year of World Building!
As I've mentioned before, I've reached a point in writing this story that I cannot proceed much further without rounding out the world itself and developing the minutia and details of its history, economies, and government systems. With my demanding schedule at my previous dayjob, I simply didn't have the time nor energy to sit down and really focus on it. Given the nature of this new position, I am very hopeful that these circumstances will quickly change! 

What this means for you is that you should hopefully start getting more regular appearances and responses from me again. Thank you all so much for your patience over this past year as I worked to juggle these two responsibilities. 




I am so proud of you. Congratulations!


Awesome congratulations!


That’s so exciting! Congrats! 🎉


Congrats! Looking forward to all the things coming next, in the comic and outside of it.

Mary Williams

CONGRATS!!! The new position sounds awesomely fun and exciting!!! Just keep in mind that we can wait, when it comes down to it, do not forget to take time for yourself, too! Seriously can't wait to see what comes from the worldbuilding!






Why do all these studios keep rehashing old animations when they could be making something new and original? The film of Daughter of the Lilies for instance.


Because, unfortunately, the industry is largely unconcerned with making art, but making profit, because they are businesses. However, adaptations of written works are not unheard of, but depend largely on how popular they are with potential ticket buyers. I'll keep working hard.


Congrats!!! I hope the new job is amazing and less crazy!! Any news when the Kickstarter might happen?!


I'll give the folks at Hiveworks another nudge and see what's up!