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Much fancy


It very pretty and detailed since you put so much work and care into it. :)

Shield Generator 7

Yeah pregnancy is like that -- whether it's a baby or a masterpiece


But well worth it in the end


sexy panel is sexy.

Alan Evans

That looks outstanding, Meg. Quick question, did you use any tool to do the domes? Circle/marquee or anything?


We love you Meg <3

peter allen

hey meg! you need to put a little plaque on it saying 'before!'


Oh, yeah! Do you have Sketchbook Pro? I do almost all my backgrounds exclusively in that program because the tools are so much more comprehensive and much handier than the ones in Photoshop. Their Elipse, Ruler, and Straight Line tool make crisp, clean backgrounds a breeze. For some of the domes here I used the Elipse tool, and every straight line was done with the Straight Line brush and the Ruler. After I get all the general lines I need done, I import everything back into Photoshop for the smaller details. If I could just find a GOOD, PRACTICAL brush to use in Sketchbook, I'd just use it all the way through, but right now Photoshop gives me crisper lines that are easier to control.