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The end of Chapter 3! Sorry for the cliffhanger, guys.

So on the website, I formally made the announcement that the comic is going to update every Tues/Thurs because y'all's support (thanks again!), and that I was going to ease into that by updating with Reader Questions every Tues/Thurs.

I just want to clarify for those who are worried - though I stated before that I can only update twice a week for every month I actually get $500, this ONLY applies to actual comic pages - Reader Questions don't count. So right now, you're guaranteed a month of Tues/Thurs updates of the actual comic, and one month more for every successful $500 donation thereafter.

Sorry if that's confusing. I wasn't sure if this would be something anyone was worried about, but I just wanted to make sure y'all weren't worried about it.

WELL THEN. Chapter 3 is now over, which means that I'm gonna start BUSTING MY BUTT working on Chapter 4! Expect a lot of preview panels in the next couple of weeks! 



Mary Williams

Errggh. Now that is a cliffhanger. On the bright side, since this looks like a flashback, we know he lives, right? Right????????

Mary Williams

Ergh, I forgot enter ended my post. My browser doesn't love me today. Also wanted to say the info about the weekly updates was -totally- clear and made complete sense. Thank you for clarifying!!!!