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Main Site:  http://daughterofthelilies.com/ 

Download the Hi-Resolution Copy of this page via the download link at the bottom of this post.  


I failed to mention this earlier, but I've been asked to move from revisions back to boards at work, which has affected my free time again. So, if you've noticed that things are feeling a little sparse recently, that would be why.

This project is nearly at its conclusion, however, and I'm hoping the next production I'm moved onto is a little more forgiving on its timeline and obligations because WOW I need a break from the rush. 

ANYWAY, we're entering the last Book Scene of this chapter, and it's an EXTREMELY short one because OOF these pages have been fun and difficult and time consuming. I'm excited for the last scene with our gang, though. It's a good'un. 




Ohhhh man that background is so pretty.


Orrig has it tough