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In the middle of writing again today, and I had an idea for a reward tier since this chapter has SO MANY FREAKING BACKGROUND CHARACTERS, and it's hard coming up with names for all of them! So for you $20+ Patrons, are you okay with me dropping your names in as cameos to fill those spaces? Do you guys think it's a fair reward? Thoughts?



What about for the $15 tier as well? There's nothing posted for our reward either, last I checked...I could be wrong. It's a super idea either way. Cameos of some kind would be great :)


I love it! It really makes it tempting to up my contribution, you sneaky artist you <3 I think 20$ is a really cheap tier for it as well, most places have a much higher charge for name dropping.


Sounds swanky. If I was one of the roarin' 20's, I'd definitely love that perk.


hrmmmm... HRMMMMMM.... hrmmmmmmmmmmMMMMMMMMMmmmm... I got nothin'... BUT! I'm cool with cameos.


I'm honestly still struggling with an idea for you guys! I'm sorry - I don't want you to feel unloved. :( My goal with all the rewards is to come up with things that don't mean TOO much extra work for me, but also makes you guys feel appreciated, and that's pretty dang tricky because there are so many things I WANT to do, but probably can't because I don't really have a lot of time to do stuff to begin with. BLEH! Do you have any ideas that you've seen work really well? Do you have any of your own ideas?


*reads this post* *nudges pledge up to $20* Yas. xD


Stitchfeather - I did the same lol. Of course I'm cool with it :)

Shield Generator 7

That depends.. I'm kind of touchy about attaching my name to random people. Would I get to be able to decide how he looks?


Aaaaand scoots my pledge up to $20 as well. I love this idea! :)