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Good morning, Patrons! Happy Monday!

Patreon is still in the middle of charging all your cards, and I'm anxiously awaiting the final total. (OH MY GOSH I'M SO NERVOUS AND EXCITED PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LET US BE ABLE TO UPDATE TWICE A WEEK PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE)

Once I get the final result, I'll start distributing all your rewards. I finished the first Patron Wallpaper this weekend, and not to brag, but I'm pretty dang pleased with how the thing looks. I can't wait to give it to you and hear your feedback!

I'll be doing something a little different this month with the Sketch Comics - due to some problems I had last time, I'll be individually sending confirmed $10 Patrons download links to the sketch comics. It's a little time consuming, but it's the best way to make sure that I'm not being taken advantage of (not that I don't trust you guys, but I've learned that you can't be too careful. I'm sorry).

Two pages left in the chapter! Halfway through scripting the next! Once I finalize the script, I'll be able to start working on my buffer and posting sneak peeks for you guys here. 

Thank you guys so much for your support!




Super gitty about getting my first rewards. What will I do with my spoiler ignorance until then?!?! Life is hard. *crosses fingers for final total* good luck!