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It's time for FANTASY CUSTOMER SUPPORT, oh yeah, this is what y'all come here for, that mundane fantasy is STRONG.

HEY SO, Jay and I were having some wrist pains this past week - which as any professional artist knows, you DO NOT MESS AROUND WITH. If you choose to work through any kind of pain in your drawing arm, you risk getting something that either forces you to do NO DRAWING AT ALL for several months to a year, or permanently damaging it. No one wants that. 

So, er, the site probably won't update tomorrow,  but you guys will still get a page because I managed to get this done, though in about twice the amount of time it usually takes to make one.

FEAR NOT - we are resting our arms as is required for artist injury prevention, so don't you worry none. Mine is already feeling so much better - I think all that KS stuff was a lot of strain but I am feeling mostly healed up now. But I'm still not gonna push it. Better safe than sorry.

EDIT: Moved to the Patrons-Only Tier!




Glad to hear you’re taking care of yourselves! Hope you feel better soon❤️


Is... is that a Karen? And yeah, take care of yourself, your health is important


I remember once when the family member of a patient nearly hit me for giving an antiemetic to someone who felt like they were going to throw up, only to pull me back in the room five minutes later just to say “I want you to see how much they’re suffering.” She looked a lot like this lady here. Good times.


Fantasy Karen better give them their money!

Mary Williams

So happy to see this, but want so much more for you to heal up and be ok! Take your time, we can wait!


Please take as along a break as you need!


Y'all are very strict with me when it comes to taking care of myself and I love you all so much for it and I don't want to disappoint you!!!


Oh geez, she's not gonna accept that is she? (Also, take as long as you need! Wrist pain is no joke!)


Rest up you two. Also, this lady is basically 2/3s of the co-workers I have. I always have to tell them to either "Let me finish." or "Don't interrupt me." A "please" may or may not be included depending on the individual or how thin my tolerance levels are being frayed.


"Vould you like to take survey after support interaction finished?"


Oh, this is hilarious! I swear, the side strips trip me out every time.


Please tell.me her nme is Karen or Susan


I live for this type of stuff tbh

Royce Day

"I think I see vhy so many adventuring parties become murder hobos."

Royce Day

Also, yeah, rest up, Meg. We'll wait. :)


No, that is an ignorant, arrogant, and overly entitled woman. (My mother's name is Karen and I can't say I'm real happy about the turn to using the name as a pejorative.)

Genevieve Hammang

I love that you frame mercenary work as mundane freelance, but with swords. It's such a different take on a fantasy trope that doesn't eliminate the excitement of fighting monsters - it just adds secondary conflict on top of it. Balancing the results a client wants against how they think you should get them is such a highwire act =_= I empathize with Orrig's exhaustion but I also feel very seen


Kar'n, leader of the PTA, Great Mother of Soccer, and forever feared by Fantasy Starbucks baristas from across the land. Her one true mission? To speak with your manager


He's making sense


Uncanny how this woman resembles the attitude of a customer of mine who was nasty to both her me AND her husband.

Amy Crook

I, too, have serviced this customer. And yet, not murdered them. Orrig, your restraint is admirable!


Those are the worst ones and always made me feel so bad. Like, listen, once this interaction ends for me, I'm done. But you have to live with this...


Sigh. Orrig just doesn't get business. You kill the glow trolls. The customer is happy. But it makes more work. Which she will pay you for. Many times.


Let's be real tho. Do you want this person to be a recurring customer.