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Happy Tax Day, fellow Americans!

Last week I was pretty quiet but gave you guys some peeks at some pages in progress. This week:

  • Page 20, aka "The Beast" was finally completed! Step By Step Process Posts of this page will be going up every Thursday for $5+ Patrons until the official return of the comic.
  • Pages 21, 22, & 23 were sent off to the current Colorist
  • Page 21 was colored and returned
  • Pages 14 & 15, which are currently up on the site as Flats Only, were also sent off to the Colorist to get to at their earliest convenience, but priority is currently being placed on unpublished pages.
  • Pages 24 & 25 (see preview image above) will start going into production this week~!

Things are starting to feel like they're finally getting back to where they used to be, and I'm finding my rhythm again. I'm excited to get this story back underway!




Hey look! (I'm pretty sure) it's the little guys from the cover!


Welcome to Smiley Toofs Peek! Yes, that is the actual name of the mountain... No... You don't want to know why. XD


Great to see these coming together! Looking forward to seeing them all finished.




A barren landscape and hovering ephemeral monsters! How did you capture the essence of my anxiety so perfectly?! A masterpiece. ❤️

M. Gunnarsson

The really happy one in the middle is the incarnation of my cat when she wants to be fed or go outside at three in the morning and is like. "Hi, food? I can ha attention? Yah it's three in the night but lololol OPTIMISM"