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Happy April Fool's Day! 

No jokes here, just serious business:

  • All tests are in! Take a gander.
  • I wanted to make a decision this weekend and get the ball rolling, but I'm waiting for some revisions back on one of them, which has a great color palette but minimal shading (bottom left).
  • Continued working on pages 20 and 21 - gee whiz, I don't know what it is about these pages, but it's like pulling teeth. It's been making me think back to this page (see the blog post beneath). I'm hoping that if I can just muscle my way through these two pages, something will come unstuck and the rest will just be a breeze. 
  • work work work work work work work work work




Honestly I really like the minimalist one on the bottom left! It really brings out the characters and world detail. Also I don't feel my eye being caught in too many different directions. That being said they all look great! I think no matter which one you pick it will be a great look for DotL! 😆❤️


I'd say I really like the bottom center one. Color a reallistic, yet bright. ... my 2 cents.


I'm really liking the bottom center, very rich and warm with some great complexity of color.


I agree with Katie, the bottom left has these soft colors that don't feel muted (maybe beside the brighter one it does a little) and just is a softer flow for my eyes... but I'm the person who turns her brightness down on her phone so.

Jim Sharkey

I'd love to see the final product from bottom left; as it stands it lacks depth and I'd say top right and bottom center are currently better, quality palette notwithstanding, with bottom center having the edge.

Allison Shaw

I like bottom left the best. Those colors are going to print the most easily and it looks the most uniform throughout the page. The palette suits your line art style very well.


I love the middle one and the bottom right! They're both really unique and draws my eye, I love it!


I like bottom middle! I agree that bottom left needs more shading. It looks flat.


I like the left and bottom left. I think the highlights in the bottom of the middle glow too much for the scene.

Isa and Meg, the Namesake Team,

Minimalist one at the bottom left is also my suggestion -- on this page, it's a pretty normal scene, but when we'd switch to sections where the inking get crazy (like the pit of horrors) you'll want that minimalist approach. They will print nice and support the story well.