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I don't know what it's like for other people, but whenever I'm not working on comics, time both slows to a crawl and yet somehow goes by in a rush of colors and sound that I can't entirely process in time before it's gone.

Anyway, another week has passed us by, here's what I've been up to:

  • filed my taxes in a record breaking 1.2 hour appointment with our accountant, and for the first time EVER didn't have to come in for a followup (having a webcomic side business adds several levels of difficulty to filing taxes, but every second is worth it, thank you guys)
  • received two Coloring Tests from potential colorists (see above!)
  • sent out Coloring Tests to three other individuals
  • figured out what to do for the next chapter (I shuffled some things in my outline around to do the story I'm more excited for after finishing this one, you're really gonna like it and it's got lots and lots of foreshadowing, get hype)

It doesn't seem like much to me, but dang if it's still progress, at least. Today I'll be sitting down and sorting through and organizing all the incredible content I've been sent by helpful people and get all those updates scheduled out so I can continue to focus on getting my head back on straight and ahead in my work.

also there's another spider-man coming soon, i don't know how long it'll be, but those of you in the $10 tier should keep an eye out. i'm also... making progress on the whole "being comfortable making fanart" front, so I'm actively working towards tweaking some of those comics to start releasing on a larger Patron-Only scope here.

Happy Monday, darlings!




Glad to hear that you’re doing better. Both of the color tests look great!


You got a lot done! Like, really a lot. Looking forward to seeing the new stuff (only once it's ready) and hope you're continuing to do better.


Good job Meg!! Looking forward to it. In the words of Disney, “Keep moving forward.”


So productive, I'm proud of you! Good luck finding someone!!