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Hey guys, this is just a quick post to keep y'all in the know as to what I'm doin and how things are going on my end:

  • Starting to feel like a human being again and not so overwhelmed by emotions and life events
  • Learning how to properly rest (hint: thinking about how you should be working, or working on comics is NOT resting, who knew)
  • Thinking about the comic a lot, planning out the next chapter in my head a little
  • I've been reaching out to several possible colorists via cold-call emails, which basically read "uuuuhhhh i like your stuff, do you like my stuff? do you wanna color it for me?" but worded more professionally
  • Several colorists have let me know they're unavailable, but I've got at least two on the line that have expressed their willingness to do a test page, and I've gotten one page back already that I'm putting in the Good Possible Option category.
  • I'll be reaching out to a couple more people this week to see as to their availability, I want to try and get several options to make sure I go with the right choice for the comic!
  • I haven't even touched Filler Submissions, that's a whole different beast I have yet to deal with wheee
  • taxes

All in all, slow and steady on my end. Thank you for being patient with me!



That's a lot of progress! Congratulations! (Ugh, TAXES.)


Glad to hear you’re starting to feel better. Take as much time as you need.

Jack Newbill

To what you need to do for you, Meg. Best of luck and biggest of eHugs!

Christian Hoepfner

It's good to hear that you're improving. Take all the time you need and then some. I'll sacrifice some gummy bears for you.


can confirm - thinking about work isn't rest. Glad you're feeling better.


Rooting for you, Meg!!