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I'm sorry, Patrons! I won't be able to stream this upcoming Saturday, because I will be tying up all loose ends in Columbus, packing my car, shutting off my electricity, and then moving to Virginia. This is just a temporary situation - as soon as I'm settled in at my parent's house, I'll be focusing 100% on Wedding Planning and Comic/Art Projects - which is a good thing because Mondays page is officially the last one I have in my buffer AAAAAAAAAA. We'll have to make it up at some point! Wish me me luck!



Nuu, well I'll let it slide this time because it's for a good cause... and every time because your work is so awesome, do be safe on your travels!


Good Luck *hugs* ...have fun moving and take your time for the wedding and preparation...

Shield Generator 7

Good luck with your move! Don't forget to triple-check the checklist after you've double-checked the checklist! (lol jk)