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It's that time again! Patrons, drop your art requests here for the Lifestream on Saturday. Luckily/Unluckily, I won't be working on DotL stuff because I'm in a desperate scramble to sell everything I own and apply for jobs in LA, but I will take time to do some art with you! :D



Ok, two random thoughts/requests. The first requires a little Preamble, as it's a bit usual and perhaps a bit out of character for the participants. So if it doesn't mesh I totally understand, thought I think it's still sorta interesting concept. Premise is basically this. We got Lyra and Brent. However this Brent is a little different the one we know now, this Brent is a little on the chunky side with a beer belly. An Lyra as per usual is laughing at Brent with a mix of sardonic and Sisterly scorning humor. Because let's face it, despite themselves I think they honestly see each other as a form of family. Anyway, Lyra as like usual said something that has both flustered and irritated our 25% Orc warrior, Some sort of commentary about Brents added girth. To which he replied to before thinking. " #@ you! Its Baby weight!" Cue Sudden realization on what he just said. "Wait...". To which Lyra replies. "Oh? Who's baby?" Anyway this horrible idea is brought to by the idea perhaps not to long after either becoming part of Orrigs little band or not long before meeting Thistle, Brent liked his beer and food a little too much. Anyway just a stupid idea. And number two is this and much simpler: Again its sort of a bestiary question. Since this is a fantasy world, it's almost without question that there are Dragon in this world (There might not though). If there are however, how many different kinds are there and what might one of those species of Dragons look like?

Shield Generator 7

If Thistle were to be immortalized as a stone statue, what would her pose be?


Lifestream? That gives me an idea. Hmmm... How about Brent, Lyra, Orrig, and Thistle as Final Fantasy characters? ... Thistle would make a great Black Mage. Or, even better, as one of the Black Waltzes.

peter allen

Thistle on a magic carpet a la Aladdin!