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Guys, I'm a little creeped out because this guy looks EXACTLY like Brent in the way I've always wanted to draw him.


Garrison - Battle Chasers

Joe Mad just announced a new Battle Chasers project with his game company! So I just had to do a quick warm up sketch this morning to celebrate it!



imagine how weirded out I felt when I saw the Assassin's Creed hooded cloaks and was comparing it to the way I designed the uniforms for my EH guards... and I designed them YEARS before the games were even a concept. *pouts*

Alan Evans

That looks like Garrison from BATTLECHASERS. Don't know the artist, as that's not Joe Mad's work.


The artist (Derek Laufman) has identified this handsome devil as Garrison from a game called Battle Chasers. I have never heard of either, but dagnabbit I wish I had seen this before I started the comic. My life would have been so much simpler and better for it.


I KNOW WHAT THE HECK Remember how Ranu's "street name" was Redeye and then a movie came out a year later with the same title? I think Hollywood/Ubisoft is spying on us.


YOU ARE EXACTLY RIGHT. The artist's name is Derek Laufman and I want to grow up to be just like him. He's so freaking talented. (There should be a URL in the description.)