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So hey, here we are, the first update day of our break. Thank you for choosing to support us during this time - although it only appears that very little is happening on the site, we are rife with activity behind the scenes. During the entirety of the break you will get at least one update every week letting you know what we are up to so that you can track our progress and GET HYPED for Book 2. 


I was, honestly, being overworked at my day job. I keep hoping or expecting things to ease up, but the pace appears consistently frantic and rushed at the moment. WB is pretty good about moving their artists around to different projects, so I'm just trying to ride it out and do the best job I can while I'm here. 


I had a meeting this past Saturday with one of the higher ups at Hiveworks to discuss the very beginnings of the upcoming Kickstarter for Book 1 of DotL, where we covered the very basics: Required files and formats.

....Unfortunately, Past!Meg made her original Page Templates in RGB mode instead of CMYK format, which is necessary for printing purposes. RGB and CMYK refer to the colors used to make up an image. RGB largely refers to digital colors, which draw their colors from LIGHT. CMYK draws its colors from ACTUAL INKS, which means that many colors exist in RGB format that cannot be accurately replicated when that format is applied to paper.

You can kinda see what I'm talking about by looking at the top image of this post, which is a side by side comparison of the same panel in these two different formats. Can you see how the RGB version on the right side appears slightly more saturated and bright than the one on the left?
Though this is a subtle difference on this specific page, it will be much more obvious on pages with bright colors, like the sunset pages of Chapter 6, and any page that contains magic. 

So, as it stands, every page of Book 1, all 300 pages, need to be converted to CMYK and then tweaked by Yoko to match the original colors in the RGB version of the page. Until all the pages are completely ready for print, we can't move any further on the Kickstarter.

In addition, each page needs to be in a very specific format with very specific layers. I attempted to start doing these myself, but quickly realized that I just do not have the time to go through each page individually and convert them within a reasonable amount of time, while also balancing the responsibilities of my full time job.

LUCKILY, thanks to you guys, I can afford to take on some temporary help to do that, and have asked for some outside help. I'll be meeting with them later this evening to go over the needs for this and try to see how quickly it can happen. It looks like I might actually have 2 people helping me with the conversions, so I'm pretty hopeful about things at the moment.

I'll also be making small tweaks and corrections to minor things as these pages come back before I forward them to Yoko for color corrections, but thanks to your help it will be moving much more efficiently than it would have if I was on my own. I'm still not sure how long this process will take, and will absolutely be sure to keep you updated on this front in that regard.

all right i gotta stop procrastinating and get back to work again

Thanks for reading!




Awesome :D


perhaps the cost of hiring someone to do the conversions to CMYK could be included in the kickstarter?

Mary Williams

I. Hate. Converting from RGB to CMYK. If you guys ever find a util that does it automatically, PLEASE POST AND LET US KNOW. I'm no expert on the subject, for sure, but every time I've tried a conversion I've had to do a ton of tweaking by hand, and it's very frustrating. It's even worse when you get the first proofs back and you're like... OMG THIS IS SO DARK. Gaaaaaahhhhhh. I know you will all make it look FABULOUS, though!!!!!


Oh, Past selves, what would we do without you and your silly mistakes? I guess... make those mistakes anyway cause we never learned xD


You guys know about Proof Setup in Photoshop yeah? You can preview what your RGB file will look like in CMYK, a variety of profiles, and should you find a generic saturation layer on top, you could technically just batch each chapter in Photoshop with little effort :)


Nothing good can be easy, it seems. I'm so glad you can get help!


Gimme links to all the kickstarters, take all my money!


Insert the "shut up and take my money" meme