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Geryons are creatures with three distinct, separate parts that comprise a whole beast. These parts can vary and appear inconsistent, like a man with three heads, hands, and feet, or a beast with the paws of a lion, the body of a serpent, and the tail of a scorpion. Could Chimeras be considered a Geryon, in that case? What about Manticores? Could Geryons be a Genus, and the two previous examples just species that fall within it? Huh. Maybe I should start putting together some sort of Monster Guide for the DotL universe. That would be the easiest way to keep all these ridiculous thoughts straight.



Geryon was often described as a monster with human faces. According to Hesiod Geryon had one body and three heads, whereas the tradition followed by Aeschylus gave him three bodies. A lost description by Stesichoros said that he has six hands and six feet and is winged; there are some mid-sixth-century Chalcidian vases portraying Geryon as winged.


peter allen

You could have thistle or one of the others carry a book on mosters with personal footnotes in it!