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Hey, guys!

I've been spending a lot of time thinking about and preparing for Book 2, (since we're basically right on top of finishing up this first Act of the story) and looking back over my experiences and trying to find ways to streamline the process and ways I can run this Patreon better and with greater efficiency, in a way that doesn't interfere with comic work flow or my day to day obligations.

I've already reached out to and discussed potential changes with the people who would be affected by them, but at this point I'm at a place where I can announce these changes to the rest of you, and start rolling them out throughout the rest of this account. 


  • The $10 Tier, which before was the Spoilery Tier, is now the Shipping Tier - basically, I'll be posting all my super self indulgent kiss pics there, the majority of which tend to be Bristle themed pieces.
    Members of the $10 Tier will also be helping me decide on what to make as a Wallpaper each month, which I expect will usually be just me cleaning up various Bristle drawings and turning them into completed, colored artwork. 
  • The $15 Tier, in addition to containing World Building items, WILL ALSO have Discarded Scripts & My Approaches to Writing to help me update there more frequently, and unleash the many ideas I wasn't able to use. Also, it would be really cool to just ramble on about storytelling and potentially write long advice posts to address specific questions submitted by other storytellers.
  • The $20 Tier will be disappearing, because WOW I have a lot of names I can use! I will be compiling and double checking all the backlogged people waiting for their names to appear in the comic, which I'll be posting publicly for those who have pledged at that amount in the past to double check, before it is removed entirely.
    This Tier WILL REAPPEAR AS IT IS NEEDED, at a limited member count, whenever I manage to go through the entire list and am in need of more!
  • The $50 Tier has also disappeared, just because WOW I OWE PEOPLE SO MUCH ARTWORK AND I CANNOT OWE THEM ANY MORE UNTIL THEY RECEIVE WHAT THEY ARE DUE. Depending on how long it takes me to get caught up on that obligation, that might be a Tier that intermittently appears in a fashion similar to the $20 Tier, and hopefully something I can dedicate myself to with more reliability the day this becomes my full time job.

ALL RIGHT, that's all I've got in the Housekeeping category of things. If you guys have any feedback, or thoughts on these changes that I should take into consideration, please let me know!

Thank you!



Well it's nice you're focusing on fulfilling obligations rather than making promises you can't keep. Thanks for being upfront!


If we pledged to a tier that's disappearing, will we still be paying the amount we initially pledged? (I budgeted for this dang it and I wanna support you! Even if there isn't "a reward")


I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you on this! Of course! Patreon does not limit pledge amounts to only what is defined by available tiers, so if you want to continue to donate in an amount that is not specified by one, you will always be able to do so. Gosh, thank you so much for your support!! It means a lot!!