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Aw, look how quickly Brent has come to Thistle's defense already. He's such a good guy. No selfish intentions at all. No siree. (Remember, because of amazing Patrons and Buds alike, all the pages are only available here at their ORIGINAL SIZE as attachments! You can download them and revel in all their glory.) Okay, so obviously we're leading into at least a LITTLE bit of exposition on the next page, but I swear it's really short and sweet and hopefully not boring. Orrig says the Russian word for butt. It's great.



Shield Generator 7

Looks great! So at first I thought that Lyra was always rude to Brent just because they're always rude to each other. But after what she said to Thistle, it makes me think she's just that rude to everybody.


No please, go on and explain everything D: I wanna know. Please keep up the awesome work, I'm a tad bit excited for the next release... and by "tad" I mean lots o' excitement.


Lyra's got the manners of a farm animal. that's all I got to say about that. :I


Hmm...I read the premise. Sounds interesting. I'll likely check this out.