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Those of you who micro-analyzed the last form I designed will have noticed that Orrig was going to have to reference a box on some other page of this huge 23 page document, which would have told him exactly which form he needs to fill out to properly register a mage as an employee. Here is that form!

Most of this is inscrutable stuff that doesn't mean anything to people who haven't studied at higher institutions, but I imagine the section all of you are really going to take interest in is Section 1. 

I pulled a lot of these specialty names from my butt, so if y'all can think of cooler things to add to this section, you should let me know and maybe you'll end up seeing it in the [edited] version that appears in the comic.



peter allen

I feel thistle will tick undeclared, im more interested in who she will put down as her teacher...


The information we wamt to see is 'Species', which doesn't seem to be present (perhaps on page 7?). Or perhaps 'race' would be more politically correct. My money is still on 'ilithid'.


Alchemy / Potions / Culinary. I personally like the idea of magical food.


Artifacing/enchantment for creating magical items or spelling everyday items. I have this idea in my head of a non-mage having bracers with a limited version of the force field spell

Jonathan Wallace

This is especially funny if you have spent any time working with high-ed administrators.


ooooh Technopath? Also Gravitational and Spatial? Yesh... magic is really dangerous!


I would suggest breaking out Prophecy into Prophecy and Divination/Psychometry, with the latter representing things like magically recreating past events and reading of current auras. Also, the local power structures would probably have a standing order out for Forensic mages. Finally: if spells can be countered, shut down by a third party, redirected, or otherwise negated then a Curse-Breaking category might not be amiss.