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Apologies for the lack of today's colors and HIRES copy of the pages, Patrons. As I'm sure you've seen on the site, Yoko has been suffering from multiple migraines throughout the past week and was physically unable to look at her screen to finish today's colors. 

Yoko's health comes first, so for now I've updated the site with the INKS version of the page. When Yoko's feeling better and has finished the colors I'll upload them here - I'm very sorry for the delay, but it can't be helped. :(

Thank you very, very much for your patience and understanding! 


Claire M.

I hope you get plenty of rest, Yoko, and that you get better soon :)


Hoping she feels better! Have had migraines for YEARS and there is no way to explain the pain they cause. Drink plenty of fluids and try a hot shower! Thats what helps me! Even pedilyte mixed with water sometimes helps! And I don't mind waiting for pages, love the comic and would hate to have anything rushed. Both of you take your time - health is WAY more important then comic pages!

Mary Williams

When I was quite young and my sister suffered from migraines, our pediatrician of all people told us and our mom that migraines had eight-day cycles and that even if you don't feel pain, it wouldn't be unusual if you had any the other symptoms (light/sound/smell sensitivity, blurred vision, nausea, lines on your vision, etc.) until the cycle spent its course. Of course, that's if you don't over-stress your body OR hit one of your personal migraine triggers and immediately started another cycle in the interim. There are some meds that address the symptoms, but the best thing is sleep, sleep, sleep, fluids, fluids, sleep, let your body heal and sort itself out. And that is my long-winded way of saying: no surprise it's been a week -- or even longer. :( Now, that was a good, uhm, couple of decades ago so medicine may have more clarity or have figured things out differently by now. Absolutely no worries at all about Yoko taking time to heal, because migraines absolutely suck. :( Happy thoughts and healing vibes your way, Yoko!!!!!!!


get better Yoko