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I found this on my hard-drive and I have no idea what it's from or what it's for.




*clutches heart* its sO CUTE


"Fan expectations" pshhh nah I totally figured more the second one x'D


What is with Thistle's mouth??? This gives me even more questions


I don't see anything weird about this, that is my exact face too when given pancakes


Well, I haven't found a more perfect representation of my RL relationship than this pic (but in reverse). 😂

Allison Shaw

Time for Dotra to give Brent cooking lessons because HOW YOU MAKE VIFE BIG AND STRONG VIT BURNT PANCAKES?


So, either Brent is a decent cook who just lacks presentation skills. Or Thistle just doesn't have a pallet and cares little for actual taste. The question: which is the right answer? Hrmmmmmmmmmmmm. One does ponder.


How do you burn pancakes? And fanged teethed Thistle is not that scary


That is adorable!!!!! I think Thistle is happy to have Brent make her food. It's the thought that counts. And look at Brent, he's soooo happy. And Thistle is adorable, spiky teeth and all.


I cannot get over how Thistle is so dang cute as literally just eyeballs and a mouth


Thistle's cute. THAT being said, I almost can't help but feel with her spiky teeth and voracious appetite, she kinda reminds me a bit of Bakasura the Great Devourer from Smite. (Nobody tell her I just compared her to a Hindi demon. It'd break her heart.)