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time for me to shut up and sit down and make official refs for myself so my characters stop looking so wobbly all the time

But dagnabbit that front view looks WONKY AS HECK and this doesn't really look like the Brent I've been drawing AT ALL augh this is hard




You'll get there Meg. May take a few tries, but you'll get there ;)


Everyone say hi to Brent2.0! 0% wobbly, 50% more brooding, 100% more swole. 9 out of 10 cinnamon rolls would platonically fall in love with him, because like, there is no way he would like me, don't be silly.


Brent thought 'Do I really have to turn?'


Oh man I feel your pain. I absolutely hate drawing character turnarounds because they inevitably become stiff, even if I'm trying my damndest to preserve the motion I usually draw them with.


Oh my gosh, I didn't go to animation school so I cannot even IMAGINE doing this so many times over an academic career!! Aaaaauughghgh! You start at them for so long, it's hard to keep them on model and consistent with how you usually draw them in your project HOW EVEN DO