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For the sake of satiating my curiosity, Patrons, I ask you: would any of you be at all interested in receiving original artwork or pages from the comic? I want to make sure you feel super appreciated and special for supporting me and the comic, so what if there was some kind of raffle or special giveaway each month? What are your thoughts on that?



Well, I can only speak for myself but generally I'm not interested in original artwork as such. I just consume webcomics by reading them and giving a bit back as it is appropriate.


Well, I would not be against it :) Though consider if that is not a digital reward there would be international shipping involved (at least to get it to me...)


Little_Me - Cool, all right! We'll have to figure out some other rewards that you would prefer, then - like wallpapers and deleted scenes! Mjkj - As far as I'm concerned, you're already supporting me as it is, and I think winning a prize shouldn't come with any strings attached, so I'd pay for it out of pocket. They would probably just be the original comic pages, though, until I have something else I can offer. Thoughts?


As far as I'm concerned, you're already supporting me as it is, and I think winning a prize shouldn't come with any strings attached, so I'd pay for it out of pocket. They would probably just be the original comic pages, though, until I have something else I can offer. Thoughts?


Cool, all right! We'll have to figure out some other rewards that you would prefer, then - like wallpapers and deleted scenes! If you have anything specific you would prefer, you should shoot me a note or leave a comment somewhere so I can see it.


Well, I mostly look for Story, Art or plain "cute" factor in things I like and want to support. the story itself isn't exactly cute, nor are you trying to make it to be so.. I guess deleted scenes give decent hints at possible alternate ways story might've gone, which is also often enjoyable. Then again, while i don't really care for wallpapers as such, i can't vouch that others match my opinion, they are usually good as far as artistic side goes. long story short, yeah, I could go for wallpapers and/or deleted scenes, as far as they are strictly non-dead tree format.


To be honest, I'm only interested in your opinion, since you're the one supporting me right now. And actually, I'm really glad you said that, because there is an alternate version of the story that is much, much more romantic and cutesy. What if you guys were the only ones who got to see that version? They would probably be of the same quality of the Reader Questions, though.


That sounds good to me.

Alan Evans

I love original art, digital or otherwise. :P