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It's been brought to my attention that Dropbox has been dipping its toes into AI and embracing it, and of course, they foundd a way to be invasive and tight-lipped about it.  I don't know how long this has been going on, but I was automatically opted into their AI scheme involving 'third party partners' (yeah, I see where they claim my data isn't used to train their models - and guess what, I think they're full of shit).

Needless to say, I am fucking pissed about this.  I was pissed off when dA did the same thing last year, but I wasn't paying my hard-earned money to them;  for the past three years, I give these ***** $200 a year for their services.  For them to automatically opt me in their AI shenanigans without so much as a whisper, let alone consent is a major slap in the face.

What does this mean for you that have supported my work for the past three years?  Well, given I have no faith in Patreon to keep out scrapers stealing my works among other things, putting my work in Dropbox was how I kept my work secure from such individuals.  Now that Dropbox has completely lost my trust, I'll have to look for a new storage provider - one that won't whore themselves out to unscrupulous AI techbros...

For now, things will remain as they are, until I find a viable alternative to Dropbox.

Take care

Addendum - per Dropbox's own admission, their one 'third-party' partner happens to be OpenAI.  Given the current legal shitstorm involving that company and their apparent ethically bankrupt policies, this makes me even more pissed off having my data in Dropbox's dirty hands.



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