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Finally picking up from the events of https://www.patreon.com/posts/aoi-in-tentacle-68461415, here as Aoi, caught in the mechanical arms of the search-and-rescue craft that prevented her from becoming a snack to a malevolent tentacled space creature that is now missing several of the aforementioned tentacles.

Luckily for Aoi, the rescue craft doesn't waste time grabbing her as her dazed body tumbled through the depths of space - the pilot of the craft scans her and detects brainwave activity and a somewhat weak heartbeat, but a rather worrisome repsiration rate of zero - the creature having rudely extracted her from her ship and severing her air hoses in the process might have something to do with it...

Regardless, you'll find the full illustration in the Dropbox;  enjoy!



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